13 Tips to a Less Painful Wax


Ways to make waxes less painful 


Yes, waxes can be painful. Everybody’s pain tolerance is different so what to some may be extremely painful to others is not that painful. But to some degree waxing is painful, yes only for a few seconds but nonetheless it is. It has soo many benefits to it though such as… 

  • Skin will feel smoother and hairless for longer 
  • Decreases hair quantity 
  • Makes hair finer 
  • Recurring waxes will decrease hair growth permanently  
  • Less ingrown hairs vs shaving 
  • No razor burn 
  • No itchy hair regrowth 
  • No razor cuts 
  • Decrease the chances of hyperpigmentation 
  • Decreases foul odors due to a lot of hair 


So are there any ways to make waxes less painful? Yes there are actually…

  • Relax

  • the more tense you are the more the process will hurt. Take deep breaths and unclench those cheeks. The more you relax your muscles the easier it will be for you and the easier it is for your waxer to remove the wax strip with no stops. The faster the process the faster you’ll get out of there.


  • Distract yourself 

  • The less your thinking about the coming pain the less painful it will be. Trust me this works, this is how I’ve created returning clientelle. Start a conversation about current events, or a problem your facing or just something funny or silly in general. 


  • Exfoliate

  • When you exfoliate you remove excess dead skin and any thing holding your skin back from letting the hair just slide out without resistance. 


  • Painkillers

  1. Advil/Tylenol. Some people find that taking a pain killer 30 minutes before a wax that it 




  5. Numbing Spray

  6. A lot of people on Tiktok and Instagram have been doing trending videos on how numbing sprays before a wax has helped there wax hurt a lot less. Apply it 15-30 minutes before your wax for best results. And let your waxer know so that she may remove any residue from your skin so that the wax adheres to the hair seamlessly. 


  8. Don’t Drink Coffee 

  9. Coffee will act as a stimulant which will make you feel pain during a wax. If you’re a heavy coffee drinker make sure to due it 3 hours before your wax or wait till after your wax. 


  11. Don’t get Wasted on Alcohol 

  12. People think that if they take a few drinks this will make their wax easier and a lot less painful. Actually the opposite is true. The only customer I ever had cry during a wax was someone that came totally smashed during her wax and failed to tell me about it. She thought that this was a smart idea because it was her first time and she wanted to make it hurt less. The exact opposite was true, obviously as she was bawling during her wax. Alcohol is actually something you absolutely SHOULD NOT drink before a wax as it is also a stimulant and will tighten the pores before a wax. Have all the drinks after your wax.


  14. Shorter Hair 

  15. The shorter the hair, the less pain will you feel because there is not much holing the end of the hair follicle from coming straight out.


  17. Less Hair 

  18. The less hair you have the less pain you will experience because it is removing that hair from the follicle that is actually hurting. When you start a consistent wax routine you will decrease hair amounts which will make future waxes less painful.


  20. Hydrate

  21. Drinking sufficient water will keep your skin supple, plump and moisturized which will make waxes much easier because it will help the hair slide out better.


  23. Moisturize 

  1. Your skin is more at ease when it is well hydrated and moisturized so applying a good lotion or oil


  3. Stop Shaving

  1. Once you start waxing you must commit. The minute you put the razor back to your skin you will experience all the bad from what the razor gave you such as razor burns, bumps, ingrown hairs, itchy skin, annoying frequent shaving sessions. The day you go back to waxing it will hurt all over again just like your first time. 


  3. Get Waxed Monthly 

  1. The only way to decrease the pain, thin out hair, decrease hair quantity permanently, is by getting waxed monthly. The first time might pinch a bit more but if you get your wax the following month you will notice a substantial difference in the level of pain and even the amount of hair and its texture that grew back. 

Are you in the NYC area and would like a discount on a wax? Click here for $5 off your first wax with iGlamor Bar Studio.