Get the Perfect Highlight Everytime

As the seasons change and the temperature cools, we tend to lose tans we invested so hard on and see that we are then dealing with dehydrated and dull skin complexions. I’ve provided this make up artists’ gude on secrets of how to keep the glow year round. 

Prepping your skin for makeup

Start by using a natural toner to hydrate and balance the pH on the skin, then moisturize with an oil or face cream. Use a moisturizer for a semi dewy look. For extreme dewiness use oil. You can then apply a hydrating but non greasy primer.

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer, Hydrating, 1.7 Ounce

Do your products and techniques change in different seasons?

Because of the dryness that comes with winter skin all people think is they need to over moisturize. If your only moisturizing during the cold months than you are missing a very important step in your skin care routine. You need to also exfoliate so that your products can sink deeper into your skin. To remove makeup you can use a makeup removing oil that will melt away your makeup then a gentle face cleanser. If your skin persists to be dry and flaky apply a hydrating mask for 10 minutes.

Organys Cleansing Oil & Makeup Remover Best Natural Anti Aging Gentle Daily Face Wash Deep Cleanser Reduces The Look Of Pores Acne Blackheads Breakouts For Sensitive Oily Dry Combination Skin

How to achieve a 3D highlighter look

After you’ve slathered your face in full makeup with the works imagine your face to be like a light at the center of the face that fades outwardly. 

Marc Jacobs Beauty Dew Drops Coconut Gel Highlighter

Apply the dew drops to your face after you’ve applied foundation with contour or your bronzer. Build on it to your preference as it already has a natural radiance of light before even hitting your face with highlighter.  

Highlighting when you’re in a time crunch

Sometimes you just don’t have a lot of time to layer on products and on top of that highlight. A quick tip is to moisturize, add concealer wherever needed. If you have a few seconds to spare go ahead and add a cream blush and creamy highlighter as they’ll keep the dewy glow going.

… And when you travel

Sheet masks when traveling are life savers. There are many travel size skin products and makeup available but sometimes your best tools are your own hands. Giving your face a lymphatic drainage massage is easy, relaxing and free and you can do it anywhere. 

Highlighter don’ts

Avoid putting highlighter on unfavorable textured areas. An example of this is putting highlighter on the nose and its very porous or has breakouts. Adding highlight in those areas will only add make the texture stand out. Main areas for highlighter are on top of the cheekbones, the inner corner of the eyes and the cupids bow off the lips.

Highlight touch ups through the day

A face powder compact is good to carry to soak up oiliness and set makeup througout the day. Apply it on the T-zone where we tend to get oilier such as the nose, chin and middle of the forehead. Some dewiness looks gorgeous in all other areas.

Looking light a sparkly unicorn may not always be the trend but skin that looks healthy will always be here to stay. Make sure to always protect your skin from the sun.