How to Grow Your Lashes Faster After Damage

Eyelash Growth serum

I come from a family of thin hair and high quantity of hair fall out. This actually makes life quite challenging, especially if you are a beauty lover and enthusiast. That being said I am also by all rights an eyelash extension junkie. I wore eyelash extensions consecutively for over 2 years straight. Now, I am very careful with my lash extension because I want them to last the longest time possible. I also like them very long and dramatic. They are a very costly luxury and if you’re not caring for them properly you are just throwing money away, which I am not in the habit of doing. Times are hard, girl and money does not grow on trees, at least not for me! Wearing lashes so often and making them long and heavy will eventually take a turn for the worse towards your lashes.

So after having had lashes for over 2 years straight with no breaks it finally took its toll on my lashes. Once I finally let them all naturally fall out my natural lashes were very short and there were so few lashes left. This was actually scary. I attribute the loss in lash density to my time wearing “volume” lashes mostly. Once the last lash fell out I was sad and a little afraid. What could I do to get my lashes back in top notch shape and get them growing again? I got into research mode immediately and came up with a recipe that has in fact made my lashes fill out and grow faster than I thought they would.

The recipe for my intense eyelash growth serum is as follows:

Castor oil– Castor oil enhances the health of the hair follicle. It works to promote hair growth and protects against the loss of hair.

Coconut Oil– Hair growth is stimulated by coconut oil because it goes deep into the follicle. The breaking of hair is put at a halt which in turn contributes to the growth or hair. It also adds shine and softness to hair.

Aloe vera gel– Aloe vera gel works to make hair smooth and shiny. It promotes hair growth and conditions hair. It is also great for itchy scalps and to reduce dandruff.

Vitamin E oil– the antioxidant properties of vitamin E oil help to repair damaged follicles which helps to promote healthy follicles and hair growth.

Almond Oil– contains omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and magnesium which nourishes and strengthens hair. Great for treating the loss and damage of hair.

Make sure to put in a clean container or bottle and shake well before each use. The serum is best used when applied at night before bed. Apply with a q-tip or a clean lash brush. Also great to apply on eyebrows. You can even use it as a hair and scalp mask for hair growth and massage your hair. If you do want to use it as a hair and scalp mask i’d also suggest adding peppermint essential oil as well. Keep in mind that you should not use this serum if you currently have eyelash extension on unless you want them to fall out.

Using this everyday has made a huge difference for my lashes.